Quick start of IPrice minimart online store for Joomla 4

Quick start of IPrice minimart online store is the Joomla installation package includes the preconfigured Joomla, preconfigured component of Online store "IPrice minimart" and additional plugins and modules. This quick start allows you to start with IPirce minimart online store as quickly as possible.
Quick start includes:
- Preconfigured CMS Joomla.
- preconfigured component of Online store "IPrice minimart" (trial version).
- Teaching demo data of IPrice minimart Online store.
- Component OS map to create site map, and also the plugin for integration IPrice minimart with "OS map" site map.
- "Allvideos" plugin to insert video into the product page.
- "Embed Google Map" plugin to insert maps into the product page.
- JComments component to insert comments on the product page.
- Additional preconfigured extensions IPrice minimart.
Read more: Quick start of IPrice minimart online store for Joomla 4