IPrice minimart
powerfull & flexible online Store, price-lists and catalogs for Joomla

IPrice minimart 2.3.7

New version of IPrice minimart 2.3.7 for Joomla 3.x is available.

What`s new:
  • Added payment module "Robokassa", allowing you to integrate your online store with the payment aggregator "Robokassa".
  • Added the ability to automatically update currency rates. The ability to update currency rates on a schedule using the Cron job.
  • Improved filters in lists in the administrative part of the component.
  • Added required "Secret Password" parameter in the component settings on the "Mandatory" tab. The secret password is used in some functions of the component, in particular when automatically updating currency rates on a schedule, when automatically updating items on a schedule.

SmartResizer plugin - version 1.29

New version 1.29 of SmartResizer plugin for Joomla is available:
What`s new:
- Now you can disable the opening of a full-sized image when clicking on the thumbnail image using the "No" option of the plug-in parameter "Full image display style".

Demo of Smartresizer plugin.

IPrice calculator LIGHT 1.1.37

New version 1.1.37 of the component IPrice calculator LIGHT is available.

Whats new:

- Improved design of the input field for the quantity of item, when in some cases the plus and minus signs were transferred to a new line.

See the overview of the component for download and guide.

IPrice minimart 2.3.6 - improved customizing

New version of IPrice minimart 2.3.6 for Joomla 3.x is available.

What`s new:
  • Improved display of the shopping cart pop-up window when adding items to the shopping cart.
  • Now you can add products not only in the final level categories, but also in the intermediate and first level categories. Products in these categories will be displayed after the list of subcategories of the current category.
  • Now you can override CSS styles and style attributes in CSS files in a special folder css-override, which has a similar structure to the /css folder where the original CSS styles are stored. Put the CSS file in the /css-override folder in the corresponding subfolder with the same name that you want to change in the /css folder. Add to the created file only those classes and attributes of classes that you want to change. Thus, at the next component update, the styles in the /css folder will be replaced with the styles of the new version, but the /css-override folder will remain unchanged and your style changes will be applied.
  • Now you can override some output templates using the Joomla layouts mechanism. The component folder /components/com_ipricecalc/layouts/com_ipricecalc/ contains templates that you can copy to your Joomla template folder: templates/template_name/html/layouts/com_ipricecalc and modify the copied files to suit your needs. When you update the component, your changes will be saved.

IPrice calculator LIGHT 1.1.36

New version 1.1.36 of the component IPrice calculator LIGHT is available.

Whats new:

- Improved filters and sorting of items in the admin part of the component.

See the overview of the component for download and guide.



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