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TOPIC: How can I translate the component on my language?

How can I translate the component on my language? 11 years 5 months ago #506

  • support
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You can translate the component using Joomla language file:

Admin panel:

1. Copy files /administrator/languages/en-GB/en-GB.com_ipricecalc.ini and /administrator/languages/en-GB/en-GB.com_ipricecalc.sys.ini into the folder of your language: /administrator/languages/xx-XX/ (where xx-XX - the abbreviation of your language).

2. Rename copied files en-GB.com_ipricecalc.sys.ini and en-GB.com_ipricecalc.ini to xx-XX.com_ipricecalc.sys.ini and xx-XX.com_ipricecalc.ini (where xx-XX - the abbreviation of your language).

3. Translate files xx-XX.com_ipricecalc.sys.ini and xx-XX.com_ipricecalc.ini on your language (You need to translate the right part of expression LANG_CONSTANT="Translation").

4. Save files xx-XX.com_ipricecalc.sys.ini and xx-XX.com_ipricecalc.ini in UTF-8 format.


1. Copy file /languages/en-GB/en-GB.com_ipricecalc.ini into the folder of your language: /languages/xx-XX/ (where xx-XX - the abbreviation of your language).

2. Rename copied file en-GB.com_ipricecalc.ini to xx-XX.com_ipricecalc.ini (where xx-XX - the abbreviation of your language).

3. Translate file xx-XX.com_ipricecalc.ini on your language (You need to translate the right part of expression LANG_CONSTANT="Translation").

4. Save file xx-XX.com_ipricecalc.ini in UTF-8 format.
Last Edit: 11 years 5 months ago by support.
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