If the compnent pages are all in blank, then check the following:
1. Check, that you install IPrice minimart trial on local server (on the same computer as the your local web server - denver, XAMPP and etc). If you need to test the component on your hosting or remote server, then you can request the 14 days trial license for your test domain or for your remote server IP address.
2. Check if the IONcube loader installed successfully on your server:
iprice-web.ru/en/iprice-minimart-guide/2...ice-minimart-install chapter "Intsalling IONcube loader"
3. If your install IPrice minimart on remote server with 14-days trial license for your domain, then check Is the domain name you provided for a test license right.
4. if IONcube loader installed successful, but blank page is still apears on component pages, then you need to turn on error messages on your Joomla site to get error message instead of blank screen-
- Go to Joomla backend and set the Joomla parameter "Error reporting" to "Maximum" (menu "Site"->"Global configuration"->tab "Server")
- After the setting parameter You need to open any IPrice page. Error message should appear instead of a blank page.
Let me know this error message.