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TOPIC: Error: requires a license file

Error: requires a license file 10 years 3 weeks ago #2054

  • Martin Wendring
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Hello iPrice-Support-Team,

i try to install the trial version, but ich get an error in the backend:
The encoded file .../administrator/components/com_ipricecalc/helpers/ipricecalc.php requires a license file.
I think the mistake is a wrong domain name. When the shop works, it cloud be online on rubbix.de, but at the moment its rubbix.martin-wendring.de for trial. Can you send me a new license for trial?

Thank you!
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Error: requires a license file 10 years 3 weeks ago #2055

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Just sent the trial license for domain rubbix.martin-wendring.de
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Error: requires a license file 10 years 3 weeks ago #2056

  • Martin Wendring
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Thank you!

But there is a new error message:

Fatal error: The file /.../administrator/components/com_ipricecalc/helpers/ipricecalc.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5 and cannot run under PHP 5.5 or PHP 5.6. Please ask the provider of the script to provide a version encoded with the ionCube Encoder for either PHP 5.3 or PHP 5.4 or PHP 5.5. in Unknown on line 0

I use PHP 5.6 - is there a newer version of iPrice running with PHP 5.6 availible?
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Error: requires a license file 10 years 3 weeks ago #2057

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> is there a newer version of iPrice running with PHP 5.6 availible?
No at the moment. But I can upgrade my PHPEncoder to encode files for PHP 5.6. Unfortunately upgrading is too expensive. I can upgrade it if you prepay for IPrice minimart. The upgrading process will take no more than 1-2 days.
Now I advice you to test IPrice minimart on local server with PHP 5.3-5.4. If you decide to purchase IPrice minimart after testing, then I can upgrade my PHPEncoder for php 5.6 after your prepayment and send you the component ready to use for the new version of IONcube loader for PHP 5.6.

Otherwise you can ask your hosting provider to downgrade PHP and IONcube loader to version 5.3.
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Error: requires a license file 10 years 3 weeks ago #2058

  • Martin Wendring
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Thank, I've downgrade my PHP-Version to 5.4 - now the module ist running... :lol:

Now, I want to make an item: it will be a Book.

The customer should calculate it himself.
softcover (5 EUR) or hardcover (10 EUR)
+ pages (number of pages x 0,10 EUR)
+ price increase for glossy paper ( + 0.15 %, optional), default is offset paper
+ price reduction for format DIN A5 (- 40 %, optional), default is DIN A4
= price each
x copy
= amount (+ tax)

Can you help me? :whistle:
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