IPrice minimart
powerfull & flexible online Store, price-lists and catalogs for Joomla

IPrice minimart 2.4.0 for Joomla 4

New version of IPrice minimart 2.4.0 for Joomla 4.x is available. Starting with this version, the IPrice minimart component is compatible with Joomla 4.x.

What`s new:
  • Added compatibility with Joomla 4.x.
  • Added additional fields in the quick order (quote) form on the item page: "Name" and "Phone". Now you can hide any fields in the quick order form, including the e-mail field, using the component settings. This feature will allow you to use the quick order form, for example, for the "Request a product consultation" function, etc.
  • Some minor component improvements.

IPrice calculator 1.5.67

New version 1.5.67 of the component IPrice calculator is available.

What`s new:
  • Added global component parameters "Selected quantity by default" component, "Step of changing the quantity of items", "Maximum selected quantity of items", "Minimum selected quantity of items", which allow you to configure the user input of the quantity of items at once for all items.
  • Added the ability to prohibit editing the product selection using the checkbox. Thus, you can declare the selection of this product as mandatory for the user using the "Default selected quantity" parameter - "1".
  • Added the ability to prohibit editing the product selection using the radio button. Thus, you can declare the selection of this product as mandatory for the user using the "Default selected quantity" parameter - "1".
  • Added the ability to highlight discounted items in the price list using the new parameter of the component "Color of discounted row highlighting".
  • Some minor improvements.

See the DEMO.
More details about IPrice calculator

IPrice calculator 1.5.63 - Joomla 4 support

New version 1.5.63 of the component IPrice calculator is available.

What`s new:
  • IPrice calculator now supports the latest Joomla 4 due to the official release of this newest CMS.
  • Improved control over item quantity input: The item parameter "Disallow edit an item quantity" prevents the user from editing the item quantity field from the keyboard. Changing the quantity in this case is available only by signs '+' and '-'. The item parameter "Disable to change the default qty" completely prohibits the user from changing the quantity of the item, including changing the quantity with the signs '+' and '-'.
  • Some minor improvements.

See the DEMO.
More details about IPrice calculator

IPrice calculator LIGHT 1.1.60 for Joomla 4

New version 1.1.60 of the component IPrice calculator LIGHT is available.

Whats new:

- Now the component is ready to use for Joomla 4.
- Improved filters in the component's admin panel.
- Now you can select the manager of orders from Joomla user list instead of specifing ID of the user.
- Added the parameter of the component "Send a copy of the order to e-mail addresses", which allows you to specify additional e-mail addresses of recipients user's order.
- Added the item parameter "Increment qty of an item" - the step of changing the quantity of item when changing the quantity using arrows. This allows you to restrict the user to order a batch of items for several pieces, if you also use the "Disable editing quantity" parameter.
- Added the item parameter "Increment qty of an item" - the step of changing the quantity of item when changing the quantity using arrows. This allows you to restrict the user to order a batch of items for several pieces, if you also use the "Disable editing quantity" parameter.
- Now the item option "Disable editing quantity" also works if a predefined list of values is specified for the item quantity.
- Added the ability to set the maximum and minimum quantity of items for selection by the user.
- Added global options for the component, allowing you to set the step of changing the quantity of items when it is selected and the quantity of items selected by default for all items in the price list at once.
- Added global options for the component, allowing you to set the minimum and maximum quantity for all items when they are selected by the user.
- Some minor improvements.

See the overview of the component for download and guide.

IPrice calculator 1.5.61

New version 1.5.61 of the component IPrice calculator is available.

What`s new:
  • The adaptability of the price list view on narrow screens has been improved: now you can set priorities for hiding columns in the price list so that unimportant price list columns are hidden first.
  • In the item option "Step for changing the quantity of items" value -1 prohibits changing the quantity of items with the '+' and '-' signs.

See the DEMO.
More details about IPrice calculator



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