IPrice minimart user guide


You need to add categories before adding items. Categories can be nested. You can manage categories using IPrice category manager: Joomla admin panel->Components->IPrice minimart->Categories

Add/Edit category

Click tool button "New" or "Edit" in the category manager to add or edit a category. Specify the category options:

Tab "Basic"

  • Select parent - select parent category if needed.
  • Name - Specify the category name.
  • Alias - Sepcify the alias for the category. Alias is used in the formation of the URL address. Do not use international symbols, uppercase and special symbols for the alias. Use only latin sybols with lowercase and symbol '-'.
  • Page title - the title for the category page. The title is displayed when the user select a category in a catalog or price-list.
  • Image - select an image for the category.
  • For checkout page only (shipping and etc) - if "Yes", then items of this category dispay on shopping cart page only. They may be shipping items, additional extra cost items for the order and other extra items for the order.
  • Enable availability control for main property of a product - if "yes", then You can specify the quantity of available items for the each option of the main property of the item of this category. This parameter overrides the parameter of the same name in the component settings (global parameters of the component, tab "General", subsection "Availability"). If set "By default", then the use of the same parameter in the component settings.
  • Sales tax (%) - Sales tax (in percent) for each item of this category. You can override sales tax for specific item, just set the new sales tax value for specific item. Also you can disable sales tax for a specific item, just set "Sales tax" to value -1 for a specific item.
  • Header for the main property of the products of this category - allows you to set your header for the main properties of the items in this category, which is different from the common header specified in the edit fields of the product for the field "Main property" ("Dropdown").
  • Show price-list header - Show or not the caption of the item fields on the price-list, on the checkout page and in the order for items of this category. This parameter can be useful for the shipping items and other extra items of the order.
  • Status - 'Published' - all items from this category will not be displayed in a product list. 'Unpublished' - all items from this category will not be displayed in a product list.
  • Access - the access level group that is allowed to view items of this category on the site.
  • Category URL path - the path of this category, consisting of current category alias and all parent categories aliases.It is the unique identifier of the category uses for CSV import.
  • Description - description of the category.

Tab "Images"

You can add images to a category image gallery using this tab. Click icon "Plus" to add image to image gallery. Click icon "Edit" to edit title and description of the image. Click icon "basket" to remove the image from gallery. Image gallery of a category is displayed in category description area on a category page of a product list. Also image gallery of a category is displayed on a multiproduct page.

Tab "Discounts"

  • Exclude from global discount - if "yes", then exclude all items of this category from the calculation of global discount for the order.
  • Discount/surcharge - select a discount for each item of this category. You can override discount for a specific item, just select the new discount for a specific item. Also you can disable discount for a specific item, just select "No discount" for specific item. See chapter "Discounts" for more details about discounts.
  • Discount for user groups - select discount for user groups, if you need to give personal discounts for some users. Each item of this category will have this discount value for the user from appropriate group. You can override discount for a specific item, just select the new discount for a specific item. Also you can disable discount for a specific item, just select "No discount" for a specific item. See chapter "User groups" for more details about configuring a user groups.

Tab "Properties, characteristics and formulas"

  • Properties - select a list of item properties available for items of this category. Select "Use global" to use all published properties for items. Select "No" to disable all properties for items of this category. See the chapter "Item fields" for more details about an item properties, characteristics and item fields.
  • Characteristics - select a list of item characteristics available for items of this category. Select "Use global" to use all published characteristics for items. Select "No" to disable all characteristics for items of this category. See the chapter "Item fields" for more details about a product properties, characteristics and item fields.
  • Fields displayed in price-list - select a list of item fields dispayed in a price-list for this category. Select "Use global" to display all fields published for price-list. Each category can contain separate set of a price-list columns, if the price-list parameter "Simple mode" is set to "No".
  • Price formula - price formula for each item of this category. See chapter "Using formulas" for more details about a price formula and a weight formula.
  • Weight formula - weight formula for each item of this category.

Tab "Category as a multiple product"

  • Category as multiple product - if 'Yes', then the category will be displayed as a component product consisting of products included in this category. See the DEMO.
  • Total amount of all category items - the output prices composite product-category, if this category is a composite product.
  • Main property - you can add options for main property of a multiple product. Selecting option causes to select the same option for all subproducts of the category. See the DEMO.
  • Section "Custom fields" - here you can set values for additional fields category of multiple product. Additional fields are created and configured in the admin panel of the component, in section "item field". These fields can be configured search.

"Meta data" for search robots:

  • Meta-tag Title - if specified, defines the browser title for the page section. If not specified, by default the page title is the menu item name + the name of the section.
  • Meta-tag Description - specifies the search description (meta-tag Description) to the pages section.
  • Meta-tag Keywords - identifies key search words (meta-tag Keywords) for the page section.


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