IPrice minimart user guide

Image gallery

On the product page or on the category page you can display a gallery of product images or categories if the images added for product or category. Product image can change when the user selects the option of the main property of the product, if each option is assigned a separate image of the product on the product edit page.

Section "Images" of global component settings:

To control the display of images is designed the following parameters:

  • Resizing method of original image - when you add an image to the gallery for product images are created three thumbnails: large - to display the full size image; middle - to display the main product image in the gallery and product images in the product page in the catalog; small - to display the secondary product images in product gallery and to display image of the item in the price list. If you choose "fit to thumbnail size" the image will be completely integrated into the thumbnail area without cut. In this case if the aspect ratio of the image will be different from the ratio of the size of a thumbnail specified in the parameters described below, it will appear white margins on the left/right or top/bottom of the thumbnail. If you choose "crop to thumbnail size" the thumbnail will be created without white margins on the left/right or top/bottom but the image will be cropped on the left/right or top/bottom if the aspect ratio of the image will not match the aspect ratio of the thumbnail.
  • Open original image using - select the effect of opening large image of product: Highslide or Joomla bootstrap modal.
  • Number of gallery columns - the number of columns to display secondary images in the product gallery.
  • Small thumbnail width and height - is set in pixels.
  • Medium thumbnail width and height - is set in pixels.
  • Large thumbnail width and height - is set in pixels.

When adding images to gallery product or category image file is saved in the site folder /images/com_ipricecalc/upload/. Small, middle and large thumbnails are generated respectively in subfolders /thumbssmall, /thumbsmedium and /thumbslarge.

To recreate all thumbnails for the images all products, you can use tool buttons in the management of the import images (in admin panel->"Components"->"IPrice minimart"->"Import CSV"-> Tab "Images" - section "Utilites"). If you decide to change the thumbnail size for product images after specifying the new size in the component parameters you need to use the function "Recreate all thumbnails". Or you can use the function "Delete all thumbnails" - in this case, thumbnails will be created automatically gradually when you open a page with gallery products. Function "Reselect main images" select for each product main image (first available) for products with several images in the gallery and for which is not set main image.

Learn more about importing product images and categories from a CSV file, see section "Import data" chapter "Import of images"


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