Change the names of the order statuses and payment statuses
To change the names of the order statuses, use the language files
For variables:
change the name status for the required. "Received" and "Cancelled" -it's statuses system. The order accept status "Received" after the user submits the order. The order accept status "Cancelled" when the user cancels the order in the control panel orders user. It is not recommended to change the meaning of those two statuses. Deleting statuses RECEIVED ("Received"), CANCELED ("Cancelled") strictly prohibited.
The names of the statuses of payment in the language file are marked with variables:
NOT_PAID="Not paid"
PARTIALLY_PAID="Partially paid"
Adding and remove order statuses
To add or remove order statuses you can use file /administartor/components/com_ipricecalc/helpers/order.php - function order_state()
To add a status, add the line
$pos[] = JHTML::_('select.option', 'N', JText::_( 'status name' ));
in the list of statuses in the body of the function, N - is the number of the status (must not coincide with the numbers of current statuses), 'status name' - name status.
Similarly, you need to add the status in the function body getOrderStateName() - paste this line
case N : return JText::_( 'status name'' ); break;
to the right place, N - is the number of the status, 'status name' - name status
To delete a status just delete the corresponding status string in the body of the functions order_state() and getOrderStateName() .
Deleting statuses RECEIVED ("Received") and CANCELED ("Cancelled") strictly prohibited!