IPrice minimart user guide

Checkout page


You can go to shopping cart order add to the shopping bag or by link "Checkout" in module "Shopping cart". The shopping cart page of the order displays all your chosen products, allows you to change the selection, calculates totals for the order, allows to choose the position of the delivery and other costs for order and also allows you to choose payment methods. As well for additional opportunities go to the basket, you can create a separate menu item for the order basket: in the admin. panel, go to the desired menu and press "New". Select the type "IPrice minimart"->"Shopping cart".

Output Settings page order basket

Section "Cart" at global component settings :

  • Header for shopping cart-you can set your heading for the basket.
  • Select shopping cart intro - you can create a material Joomla, which will contain the introductory text for the order basket and choose the material in this parameter.
  • Disable order if total amount of selected items less than - enter the minimum amount of the order, if you want to enter such a restriction for your order.
  • Show 'Compare products' link - or not to show the link "Compare products", which allows you to navigate to the page comparison of goods in the basket.
  • Show 'Save changes' button - or not to show the button "Save changes" on the cart page.
  • When you click on an item - this parameter sets the behavior when clicking on the name or SKU of the item: "Description collapsed by default" - description of the item will slide under the item name when you click on the item name or SKU; "Description expanded by default" - item description will be located under the row of the item; "Description in a Popup window" - item description will be shown in a popup window when you click on the item name or SKU; "Edit item on item page" - clicking on a item name or SKU will open the item page where the user can edit the item and then save it to the shopping cart.
  • Display section - allows you to enable/disable displaying of titles of sections in the list of items in the cart.
  • Display categories - allows you to enable/disable displaying of categories in the list of items in the cart.
  • Show total before discount - show the total amount without discount.
  • Show total discount - show the totals discount amount for the order.
  • Show total after discount - show the total amount at a discount.
  • Show total without tax - show the total amount without tax.
  • Show tax total - show the total amount of the calculated tax for the order.
  • Show weight total - show/hide total weight of the order.
  • Show capacity total - show or not to show a grand total of the volume of the order.
  • Disallow editing qty in the checkout page - Prevent the user from changing the quantity of items on the checkout page.
  • Limit quantity to list of default values - Prevent the user from manually setting the number of items on the checkout page. The user will be able to select the quantity only from the predefined list of values if this list is specified in the item settings.
  • Disallow editing item properties on the checkout page - Prevent the user from editing the values of the properties of the item on the checkout page.
    It is recommended that along with parameters "Disallow editing qty in the checkout page", "Disallow editing item properties on the checkout page", set the parameter "When you click on an item" to the value "Edit item on the item page" so that the user, by clicking on the name of the item, can go to the item page to edit the quantity and options of the item, and then save the changes to the shopping cart.
  • URL for product list - link to product catalog where the user will be forwarded by clicking on the link "Back to products" on the cart page, either after sending the order. If this parameter is not specified, the user the link "Back to products" goes to previous visited page before the shopping cart page and after creating the order, the user will be redirected to the last visited page IPrice before changing to the basket.
  • Symbol-delimiter for item name - to name of the product in the order can be added the values of the properties of the product selected by the user. Property values will be separated by the character specified in this parameter.
  • Copy contact fields from previous order - if "Yes", then the new order for an authorized user on the page of the basket all contact fields will be filled in the order of the previous order of this member.


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