IPrice minimart user guide

Content plugin


Content plugin IPrice allows you to insert price-list, calalog or 'BUY' button to Joomla articles or other component content. File name of the plugis is plg_content_ipricecalc_X.X.X_JY.zip , where X.X.X - version of the plugin, Y - version of Joomla.

Use the following syntax:

1. Inserting price-list or catalog using IPrice menu item


ipricecalc XX (The expression must be enclosed in braces {})

where XX is ID of IPrice menu item linked to price-list or catalog

2. Inserting price-list or catalog

ipricecalc secid="Section ID list" catid="Category ID list" itemsku="Items SKU list" menuid="XX" (The expression must be enclosed in braces {})


Section ID list -  the list of section ID, separated by comma

Category ID list - the list of category ID, separated by comma

Items SKU list - the list of item SKU, separated by comma

XX is ID of IPrice menu item linked to price-list or catalog (optional parameter)

3. Inserting 'BUY' button

ipricecalc buttonsku="Items SKU" menuid="XX" buttoncaption="text" buttonclass="class"(The expression must be enclosed in braces {})


Items SKU - the SKU of the item purchasing by 'BUY' button

XX is ID of IPrice menu item linked to price-list or catalog (optional parameter)

text - the title of 'BUY' button
class - CSS class for the button.

You can use plugin parameters for 3 way:

- 'Button caption' - title of 'BUY' button
- 'Show quantity' - show or not item quantity selection
- 'Show price' - show or not the price of the item
- ''Add to cart' mode' - if value 'Add to cart' selected, then Item will be added to cart; if value 'Checkout page' selected, then Item will be added to cart and user will redirect to checkout page.
Do not use plugin several times in the same article to show the list of products. However, you can use plugin several times in the same article to show "Buy" buttons.
Do not use Joomla caching if you use plugin


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