1. If you do not use payments, then you need to confugure some parameters:
- Go to global component parameters, tab "Payments" and set the parameter "Use payment" to "No".
- Go to global component parameters, tab "Order" and set the parameter "Attach PDF bill to order e-mail" to "Yes".
PDF bill will be included into the order e-mail for the customer.
2. If you need to use payments, then you need to confugure following parameters:
- Go to global component parameters, tab "Payments" and set the parameter "Use payment" to "Yes".
- Go to global component parameters, tab "Order" and set the parameter "Attach PDF bill to order e-mail" to "No".
- Go to Payment Manager of admin panel of the component and publish payment named "Bill to pay". You can unpublish of all other units of payment that you will not use.
Customizing PDF bill to pay
You can customize PDF bill using source code files:
- for english kind: /administrator/components/com_ipricecalc/helpers/orderpdf-english.php
- for russian kind: /administrator/components/com_ipricecalc/helpers/orderpdf-russian.php
At the beginning of the file contains settings of PDF bill. The settings have the format: define ('constant' value). You can change the settings. All settings have a comment so that you can easily identify the purpose of each setting.
String setting values must be enclosed in quotes. If the value itself contains double quotes, the value must be enclosed in single quotes. If the value contains single quotes, this value must be enclosed in double quotes. Do not allow a situation where the string contains both single and double quotes simultaneously. Example:
define("i_company_name", 'Company "My company" '); // right
define("i_company_name", "Company 'My company' "); // right
define("i_company_name", "Company "My company" "); // wrong