IPrice minimart user guide


Orders generated by the user sent to the customer to mail and store managers (if this feature is enabled in the order settings). The main Manager is specified in the global settings of the component in the section "Mandatory" in parameter "Manager of orders". The orders will be come in E-mail recipient specified in the user profile Joomla. There is also a possibility "Send a copy of the order for e-mail addresses" it is necessary to specify e-mail addresses that will receive copies of orders.
Order template
Order template

The conclusion parameters of the order

Section "Order" of global component settings :

  • Show item desscriptions in order - if "No", descriptions of positions will be hidden in order, if "Yes" - shown.
  • Display section - allows you to enable/disable display of titles and descriptions of sections in orders.
  • Display categories - allows you to enable/disable display of titles and descriptions of the categories in the order. If show categories is off, then automatically turn off subtotals by category.
  • Show total before discount - show or not to show the amount of the order without the discount.
  • Show total discount - show or not to show the total discount by order.
  • Show total after discount - show or not to show the amount of the order with discount
  • Show total without tax - show or not to show the amount of the order without taxes. If tax is not included in order the total without tax will not be displayed regardless of the setting.
  • Show weight total - show or not to show the total weight of the order.
  • Show capacity total - show or not to show the final volume of order.
  • Save order to XML file - if "Yes" the order created by the user will be saved in XML format in the following value in the site folder or in the default folder /administrator/components/com_ipricecalc/export/.
  • XML path - it's directory on the server to save the orders in XML format. If the directory is not specified, then it will use the default directory /administrator/components/com_ipricecalc/export/. When you create a directory must be specified the absolute path on the server, e.g. /home/a/account/yousite/public_html/administrator/components/com_ipricecalc/export. Specifying the relative path, e.g. /administrator/components/com_ipricecalc/export/, will be incorrect.
  • Attach order XML to order e-mail - if "Yes", after sending the order by the user in the letter the order to the administrator will be attached XML file with the order.
  • Attach PDF bill to order e-mail - if "Yes", in the letter of the order is the attached invoice for payment of the order. Use this option if you do not use payment methods where there is already a payment method "Bill to pay" and want to for each the order is included in the invoice in payment.
  • Use PDF bill view - select a template for PDF invoices in the payment
  • Folder for uploading files of the order - site directory where recorded files are attached in the orders. You must specify a relative directory path, e.g.: /images . The default directory: /tmp . When you specify a new directory you must make sure that such directory exists on the site.
  • Max upload file size (Kb) - The max allowed file size for upload by the user. Is specified in kilobytes. The maximum allowed file size for uploading affect the system settings of your PHP server: upload_max_filesize, post_max_size. For more information on setting these parameters see the article PHP "How to increase the size of file uploads". It is recommended to set the parameter component is the maximum file size is smaller than specified in parameter upload_max_filesize your PHP server. In this case, the file size is exceeded, the user will receive a message about exceeding the size. Otherwise PHP server simply rejects the download without notifying the user. The values of the PHP parameters upload_max_filesize and post_max_size you can see in admin panel Joomla: "Site" - "System Information" - tab "PHP Information".
  • File types allowed - file types that are allowed for upload the user to load separated by commas. The default allowed file types: jpg,png,rar,zip,7z,xls,xlsx,doc,docx.
  • Order e-mail subject - in this parameter you can specify the subject for the letter of the order. You can use variables to insert into the theme: 'orderno' - order number, 'orderdate' - order date, and system names Order contact fields (variables have to enclosed in single quotation marks). e.g.: Online shop "Name Shop": the Order number 'orderno' from the 'orderdate'. Customer 'fio'.
  • Select order header - you can choose Joomla article that will be the order header. In this article you can place information about your company and the logo of the company.
  • Select order text - you can choose an article to be inserted after the contact fields of the order and before the list of order items. In this article you can place additional information about the order, description of the rules of order, delivery, stock etc.
  • Select order footer - you can choose an article to be inserted after the of the outcome order. In this article you can place additional information about the order, description of the rules of order, delivery, stock etc.
  • Send order to customer - if "No" the order will not be sent by e-mail to the customer.
  • Send order to manager - if "No" the order will not be sent by e-mail to the manager.
  • Send notify to customer - to send or not a notification about the change of order status by e-mail to the customer.
  • Send notify to manager - to send or not a notification about the change of order status by e-mail to the manager.
  • Status redundancy in stock - the status of the order, which calculation of product quantity in the order from the warehouse.
  • Status return to stock - the status of the order, which returns the number of items in the order to the warehouse.

Order layout

You can change the order layout using the source code file "site root folder"/administrator/components/com_ipricecalc/helpers/orderhtml.php.
You can change colors using components settings, tab "Colors", if you set the parameter "Use default colors" to "No". If you set the parameter "Use default colors" to "Yes", then the defailr colors for the order layout will be applied. You can change the default colors directly in the order layout source code file "site root folder"/administrator/components/com_ipricecalc/helpers/orderhtml.php

Export order in XML file

You can set the component parameter "Save order to XML file" to "Yes" if you need to save orders in XML files. You can set the folder for XML files using the parameter "XML path". Path folder by default is /administrator/components/com_ipricecalc/export/.
The XML files will be saved automatically after registration of a customer order

XML file template

You can change the XML file template using file /administrator/components/com_ipricecalc/export/order.xml.

The values of the order fields and order lines must be enclosed in square brackets, for example: [grandtotal]. You can use the following names of the order fields to insert into the XML template:
[id] - Internal order ID
[orderno] - Order No
[orderdate] - Order date
[currcode] - currency code of the order (USD, RUR, EUR and etc)
[state] - Order state (0-Received, 3-Approved, 5-shipped, 10-Delivered, 15-Completed, 99 - Canceled)
[grandtotal] - Total amount of the order
[taxamount] - total tax of the order
[custuserid] - ID of Joomla user - customer of the order

Also you can use the custom order fields. The system name of the custom order field must be enclosed in square brackets, for example: [inn]

The order items must be enclosed in tag [LOOPITEM] .. [/LOOPITEM] (see the XML template)

You can use the following names of the order-line fields to insert into the XML template
[id] - Internal ID of the order line
[itemid] - Internal order ID
[name] - SKU of the product
[shortdesc] - Name of the product
[count] - quantity of the product
[cost] - price of the product
[weight] - weight of the product
[salestax] - Tax rate
[taxamount] - Tax amount
[item_total] - total amount for the order line

Also you can use the custom item fields. The system name of the custom item field must be enclosed in square brackets, for example: [manufacturer].


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